FSTN Material 5.0V 7 Segment LCD Module With RGB Back Light
COB LCD display module
April 22, 2021
Quality Segment LCD Module from China.
Shenzhen Qihang Electronics Co., Ltd. quality manufacturer from China.
We can supply:
LCD Screen Module : https://www.lcdscreenmodule.com/supplier-lcd_screen_module-419382.html
Segment LCD Module : https://www.lcdscreenmodule.com/supplier-segment_lcd_module-419391.html
Dot Matrix LCD Module : https://www.lcdscreenmodule.com/supplier-dot_matrix_lcd_module-419383.html
Welcome to visit our official website : http://www.lcdscreenmodule.com
Segment LCD Module
1/3 Bais lcd seven segment display
HTN Segment LCD Module
1/3 BIAS negative lcd display